Resource & FAQ

About Us

We strive to provide Excellent Service, Ingenuity, Creativity, Quality and Accountability.

Resource & FAQs



Can We Help?

Our team was handpicked for their understanding of materials, process and passion for fashion. Whether you are browsing our site or visiting our store, we are always willing to share our deep knowledge and understanding of our makers and their craft.

The most commonly asked questions are covered in Our FAQs. If you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to contact us by completing this form or calling our customer services team on 98481628 or by Email:[email protected]

Customer Service

Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 4pm

Phone +61 03 98481628
Mob  +61 0423595815                   0412873810(Mandarin)
Email: [email protected]

Press Contact


Email:[email protected]


ABC Sign

1-3 Frank Street, Doncaster
VIC 3108

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